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Re: maize in ancient india: strong transpacific links are indicated

> : > 
> : > Well, Andis, the identification of these carvings in the context of the
> : > temples are very secure. There are great numbers of them.
> : > 
> : well, the interpretation of these carvings as maize is
> : not at all secure.  There are great numbers of them which
> : depict the same "item" and it doesn't look like maize.
> And what exactly are you referring to, Thomas?

The simple fact that nobody ever looks at the followup

Domingo Martinez Castilla
has done a very nice post of ALL literature.
(I had read the Nature letters, but hadn't had time to track them
Here is the reply to the first Nature correspondence.
in it are two pictures, one of where you never would ever
come up with the idea that this could be corn at all.

Payak and Sachan 1988 "Maize in Somnathpur, an Indian medioeval temple",
Nature 335: 773-774

Domingo Martinez Castilla's post is available
on http://copan.bioz.unibas.ch/meso.html
I will also put up the pictures when I have time.

Thomas Burglin

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