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Re: Amerindian navigators and Eurocentrism in scholarship

Doug Weller (dweller@ramtops.demon.co.uk) wrote:
: On 12 Sep 1997 16:34:42 GMT, in sci.archaeology.mesoamerican, Yuri Kuchinsky
: wrote:


: >Here we see very clearly how Bernard operates. His style has nothing to do
: >with true scholarship which is all about FINDING THE TRUTH. I wonder if
: >Bernard cares about the truth even a little bit...

: Here we have Yuri, who asks people not to use ad hominems, making
: another nasty personal attack on someone. 

Here, again, we see Doug's biased, partial and one-sided nature expressed
very clearly. How can concern about methodology that I express be
perceived as a "nasty personal attack"? This is truly absurd, Doug. Your
overactive, if one-sided, imagingation is running away with you again. 
This is criticising the mote in your opponent's eye, while ignoring the
beam in your own eye. In other words, Doug Weller, the hypocrite. 


: No, he's trying to get you to concentrate instead of posting randomly on
a wide : range of subjects whenever you read something new.  Your concept
of scholarship : is a bit strange -- but then you think everyone else is
wrong.  If you want to : discuss cowrie shells, fine. But be prepared to
discuss them, not run away when : people ask for evidence. 

I'm not running away anywhere, and I stand by the information that I
posted. I guess you would have been running away by now, seeing how many
people are trying to prove me wrong. But you should not judge everyone by
your own rather lowly standards, Doug. It may surprise you, but some
people actually believe that the historical truth is worth fighting for,
even if many others are trying to run away from it, or to pretend it's not
there. All the intellectual philistines like Mr. Weller will not make a
big difference to me if I see that the real factual evidence supports
these theories. 

It's the biased and overcritical people like you, Doug, who stand in the
way of progress in scholarship. 

            =O=    Yuri Kuchinsky in Toronto    =O=        
        --- my webpage is at http://www.io.org/~yuku ---   
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority,
it is time to reform  -=O=-  Mark Twain