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Re: Amerindian navigators

In Article<33e946a6.590828@news.earthlink.net>, Garry 
Williams<gdwill@earthlink.net> wrote:

> bg364@torfree.net (Yuri Kuchinsky) wrote:
> >
> > Is this what you're objecting against? 
> What we object against is a certain indivual making a claim that is
> contrary to all previously known evidence, without a single fact to
> back up his claim. In addition, when the fault in this individual's
> reasoning is pointed out, we object to his twisting other's words,
> making ad hominem attacks, and then, to put the icing on the cake,
> playing holier-than-thou. Any idea who this might be, Yuri?

That's a mighty tough question, Garry, especially if he can't find the answer 
in The Scholarly Publication Of The Seventies, Man Across The Sea. No, wait, 
I'm almost being unfair to trollboy. Whooopsy daisy, that (trollboy) was an ad 
hominem attack, something Yuri thinks is anything calling into question his 
"methodology", but then again methodology is probably too strong a word for 
how he works. How can you expect him to find the answer when his posts 
indicate he doesn't know the difference between a balsa tree and reed? (Hey 
Yuri, this is probably the sentence you should attack.) This is a guy who 
thinks he knows more about runes than Scandinavian runologists and linguists, 
and thinks he's better equipped to talk about preColumbian Central and South 
American native cultures than Bernard Ortiz, Paul Pettennude and others. He 
thinks he knows more about Cherokee than Greg Keyes. This is a guy who thinks 
maize kernels aren't found in Old World sites because no one is looking for 
them. (What a scenario. "Hey, guys, this corn shouldn't be here, let's just 
ignore it.") Okay, "thinks" is probably giving him too much credit. However, 
his trolling expeditions do bring up lots of interesting information. It just 
all comes from others who respond to his (here comes another subjective 
evaluation) nonsense.
Yuri's always attacking "isolationists", when, intellectually speaking, he's 
the real isolationist, taking small bits of information that on the surface 
appear to be meaningful, but when viewed as part of a multidisciplinary whole, 
fall apart. However, when I read the latest Yuricentric bilge in the morning, 
it does wake me up just as much as a cup of coffee. Not nearly as pleasant, 


> --
> Garry Williams
>  gdwill@earthlink.net or
>  gdwill@william.salzo.cary.nc.us