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Re: Amerindian navigators and Eurocentrism in scholarship

On Mon, 08 Sep 1997 01:00:35 GMT, matts2@ix.netcom.com (Matt
Silberstein) wrote:

>In sci.anthropology yuku@globalserve.net (Yuri Kuchinsky 17784) wrote:

>>Greetings, all,

>>I just wonder.

>>Why is it so difficult for a number of scholars in these
>>newsgroups to accept that the Native South Americans were skilful
>>navigators in precolumbian times? Why so much evidence presented
>>to this effect so far has fallen on such deaf ears?

>It is not the abilities that have been questioned, it is the
>accomplishments. The only evidence that I have seen is sightings of
>rafts near the coast. That does not provide any evidence for
>navigation abilities nor navigation accomplishments.

	It is also of interest that using rafts clearly demonstrates
naval skills so primitive that they are the only examples of their

Any sufficiently convoluted argument can be made to appear to be science
as the layman equates incomprehensibility with science.