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Re: Ad Yurii Gloriam (Was Re: maize in ancient india: strong

> You really did not understand what I was trying to say there, did you?
> What I was trying to say was that these arguments will never be settled
> merely by discussing the similarities between the carvings and maize.
> Impossible... AND YET, I firmly believe that these arguments WILL BE
> SETTLED eventually. How will this happen? Well, these are just some
> suggestions:
> a) As Johannessen's research indicates that maize was a staple crop in
> that area, these cob fossils shouldn't really be that difficult to turn up
> in excavations. Is anyone looking for them?

Yuri, sometimes I wonder if you read any of the posts.
It has been explained to you many times that
when an archeological excavation is performed, EVERYTHING is excavated.
EVERYTHING will be analysed.  people go through trash heaps
to see what the diets of the old ones were.
They come up with bones, and plant remains which will be interpreted
and analysed by specilists.
I assume you are not seriously suggesting that whenever there
would be a maize cob, the archeologists on purpose do not
dig out that spot, and only dig around it.
So far, no maize has turned up. Thus, the more time passes,
the more excavations are performed and no maize comes up,
the less likely it becomes.  In particular, if you can
identify plenty of other food crops, it becomes even
more unlikely, as maize should have been a major staple
if it got put on temples.
thomas burglin

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